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Where Ripple-Making Begins

When Jesus changes a person's life, there is always a ripple effect! 293 people were baptized this weekend!

Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On August 30, 2009

Also from The Ripple Effect

Let-er Rip…ple

September 27, 2009

We have opportunity and responsibility to make ripples wherever we go! Read More

Making Ripples in the World

September 20, 2009

When Jesus changes a person’s life there is always a ripple effect. Christ’s love and power transform the person – and through that person the waves reach out to touch other circles of people. Read More

Making Ripples in Your Home

September 13, 2009

Get a sneak preview of the two-day marriage conference-Love & Respect-to be hosted at Northwoods Nov. 13-14. Read More

Making Ripples at Work

September 6, 2009

We who carry Kingdom DNA have opportunity and responsibility to make ripples wherever we go. Read More