Day 21: Overflowing With Praise
January 23, 2022
Psalm 119:169-176 — The psalmist shows us that even when he feels distant in his relationship with the Lord and even when life is more valley than mountain, he still chooses to praise and thank God. Today, write out all the things from this fast that you need to thank God ...Read More

Day 20: Fear of God
January 22, 2022
Psalm 119:161-168 — When trouble comes, if we’re not standing in awe of God and what he has said, we can fall prey to the fear of man. We can begin to fear what others might say or think about us and even fear what they might do to us. ...Read More

Day 19: Revival
January 21, 2022
Psalm 119:153-160 — In today’s passage of Scripture, the psalmist uses the word “revive” multiple times. The way in which the psalmist uses the word revive speaks to living as God has intended. Pattern a prayer after this Psalm and invite the Holy Spirit to empower you afresh. Read More

Day 18: God Is Near
January 20, 2022
Psalm 119:145-152 — In the midst of our troubles, knowing God is near can change our perspective. Even in the midst of the psalmist troubles, he remembered the Lord’s nearness to him. In your time with the Lord today, thank God that he is near and write out a prayer ...Read More

Day 17: Tried and Proven
January 19, 2022
Psalm 119:137-144 — In today’s portion of Scripture the Psalms said, “your promises have been thoroughly tested…” In other words, the promises of God have been proven over and over and are deserving of our full trust and belief. Take some time to reflect on the promises of God that ...Read More

Day 16: Soften Our Hearts
January 18, 2022
Psalm 119:129-136 — Through this fast, the Lord wants to soften our hearts. In fact, the psalmist showed us that the Lord had softened his heart towards those who are far from God. Considering today’s passage, we should all ask the question: Does what breaks God’s heart, break mine? ...Read More

Day 15: Experiencing the Father’s Love
January 17, 2022
Psalm 119:121-128 — In this final week of walking through Psalm 119, we’re going to let it teach us to pray. In fact, our prayers are never more powerful than when they are grounded in Scripture. In verse 124, the psalmist asks the Lord to deal with him according to God’s ...Read More

Day 14: Scripture Clarifies
January 16, 2022
Psalm 119:113-120 — Could you use more stability in your life? Where are you tempted to turn away from trusting God? In what ways do you go back and forth between trusting and doubting? Confess that to him today. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight a promise from God’s Word ...Read More

Day 13: Scripture Guides
January 15, 2022
Psalm 119: 105-112 — Do you need guidance about a problem at work? Maybe a financial decision? Jot down specific issues for which you need guidance, then ask the Lord to illuminate the situation with clarity and confidence. Read More

Day 12: Scripture Instructs
January 14, 2022
Psalm 119:97-104 — Are you in need of God’s instruction today? Write down a specific situation in which you need God’s wisdom. Then ask the Holy Spirit to quicken a verse of Scripture to your heart regarding that situation. Give him an opportunity to provide you with insight! Read More

Day 11: Scripture Revives
January 13, 2022
Psalm 119: 89-96 — Has life taken the wind out of your sails? Do you feel defeated by some physical or emotional issue? Turn to God’s Word and invite him to revive your soul! Write down your prayer so that you can praise him when he answers. Read More

Day 10: Scripture Strengthens
January 12, 2022
Psalm 119: 81-88 — Where do you need God to strengthen you today? Spend time thanking him in advance for the strength and hope that you have in him! Declare it: Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I thank you that I am strong in you and in the ...Read More

Day 9: Scripture Comforts
January 11, 2022
Psalm 119:73-80 — Write out a prayer to the Lord. Ask him to comfort you in the midst of your pain and disappointment. Declare your faith in his goodness and love. Put your hope in his promise that he will comfort you in his love. Read More

Day 8:Scripture Tenderizes
January 10, 2022
Psalm 119:65-72 — Reflect on the condition of your heart: Is it soft and pliable, or is it calloused and hard? Have you allowed your heart to grow cold towards God or others? Can you identify the event or events that have contributed to the hardening of your heart? If so, ...Read More

Day 7: Commands
January 9, 2022
Psalm 119:57-64 — In today’s portion of scripture, the psalmist compares God’s Word to commands. Commands reminds us of the authority of God’s Word. Beyond that, the psalmist tells us he will hasten and not delay to let God’s Word be the final authority in his life. ...Read More

Day 6: Promises
January 8, 2022
Psalm 119:49-56 — In this passage, the psalmist equates God’s Word to a promise. The Hebrew word for this is derived from the verb “to say,” which tells us that promises refer to what God has said in his Word—and if he has said it, he will accomplish it! ...Read More

Day 5: Precepts
January 7, 2022
Psalm 119:41-48 — God’s Word is also likened to precepts. Precept is a word which is drawn from the sphere of someone who looks closely into a matter. In other words, precepts point to the fine print, or detailed instructions of the Lord. Using this term, the psalmist makes a ...Read More

Day 4: Law
January 6, 2022
Psalm 119:33-40 — Law is another term that Psalm 119 employs as a synonym for God’s Word. This word reminds us that we don’t read God’s Word simply for interest or knowledge, but rather for obedience. Take a moment to write out some of the reasons you come to ...Read More

Day 3: Ordinances
January 5, 2022
Psalm 119:25-32 — Today we are introduced to the word ordinances. This word can speak to the rendering of a decision in a legal case. When the psalmist speaks of God’s Word as an ordinance, it carries the idea of letting God’s Word render the rule of law in ...Read More

Day 2: Testimonies
January 4, 2022
Psalm 119:17-24, Romans 8:28 — In Psalm 119, we are also introduced to the word testimonies. Testimonies refer to times that God has come through in the past. Like the psalmist, when we experience tough times we must remember how God has been faithful in the past! Write down a testimony of how ...Read More

Day 1: Decrees
January 3, 2022
Psalm 119:8-16 — Psalm 119 uses several different synonyms for God’s Word, each of which, touch on a different aspect of Scripture. One of the words used in this Psalm is “decrees.” The Hebrew words for decrees carries the idea of engraving or writing something on a slab of stone, which ...Read More