Made to SHOW MORE of Jesus
March 19, 2016
Every follower of Jesus is called to make a difference in and through the body of fellow believers. When we step into such a role, others are impacted by our service and see Jesus through our lives! Read More

Made to SOW MORE for Jesus
March 12, 2016
No matter who you are or how long you have known Jesus, all believers have been gifted by the Holy Spirit to fulfill a purpose in God’s Kingdom. Let’s learn what it takes to sow into the lives of other people and discover the real joy of serving ...Read More

Made to GROW MORE in Jesus
March 5, 2016
God’s desire is that every believer be increasingly rooted in faith and in love. There are factors, however, that can keep us from being fertile soil in which God produces much fruit. Let’s uncover the elements that help us connect with other people and grow strong in our ...Read More

Made to KNOW MORE of Jesus
February 27, 2016
Knowing Jesus as savior is the title page of the story, but there are many more chapters to enjoy. He wants to fill you with power, heal your wounds, release you from the bonds of sin, and become your closest friend. You were made for more, and Jesus is waiting ...Read More