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All I Want for Christmas

Iwant Peace In My Present

iWant security for my future

December 15, 2012

What’s at the top of your list? In an age of iTunes, iPhones, iPods, and iPads, maybe there are some deeper realities to pursue this Christmas. Read More

Iwant Peace In My Present

iWant peace in my present

December 8, 2012

What’s at the top of your list? In an age of iTunes, iPhones, iPods, and iPads, maybe there are some deeper realities to pursue this Christmas. Read More

Iwant Peace In My Present

iWant freedom from my past

December 1, 2012

What’s at the top of your list? In an age of iTunes, iPhones, iPods, and iPads, maybe there are some deeper realities to pursue this Christmas. Read More