Messages & Media

Different Voices

Messages from Northwoods Community Church, Peoria, Illinois.

Living With A Sense of Urgency…In a Laid Back World

August 22, 2007

If you knew Christ was returning at the end of this year, would you be ready? What changes do you need to make now? Read More

There is Nothing Like Hitting Your Sweet Spot

August 19, 2007

God has a place for you that brings together the very best of your talents, interests, and experiences. It’s the place you were meant to be. Find it. Read More

You Gotta Know Where You’re Going

August 12, 2007

Every day of life’s journey, things compete for our attention. Don’t get distracted and lost ! Be sure you’re using the only compass that can help you establish and sustain the right direction for life. Read More

Getting Free from the Need to Succeed

August 5, 2007

It’s possible to spend your entire life climbing the ladder of success only to find out that your ladder was leaning against the wrong wall. Join us as we explore God’s perspective on true success. Read More