Messages & Media

Go Get It!

Your Finances

Your Finances

February 1, 2014

Our finances have the power to hinder or help our ability to fulfill all God wants us to do. Applying these three keys to financial wholeness will prepare you to walk into God’s will for you life. Read More

Your Finances

Your Faith

January 25, 2014

We need to continue growing in our faith walk with Christ if our lives are to be shaped by the work He is doing in us. As we listen and continue to grow in Him, we will go get the right things in our lives. Read More

Your Finances

Your Future

January 18, 2014

Before setting out to seize our own promised future, we need to learn the keys God gave to Joshua as the Israelites entered into the Promised Land, keys that will give us success everywhere we go! Read More

Your Finances

Your Fitness

January 11, 2014

Accomplishing our dreams is far more likely if we are physically fit and vigorous in our health. Special Guest Ben Lerner will lay out the path to health so we can truly go get all God has in store for us. Read More