Messages & Media

God Is...

Let’s grow in our understanding of who God is and learn to trust Him more fully with our lives! Invite friends and family as we hear from a variety of teachers over the Summer and explore this topic of who God really is.

Good Friday Service

God Is… Strong

August 10, 2013

Trusting God starts with understanding of how strong he really is. In this message we’ll take a look at how God flexes his muscles on our behalf to reveal his strength in our lives. Read More

Good Friday Service

God Is… Enough

August 3, 2013

Our natural tendency is to reach for things in this world that are tangible to satisfy the longings in our heart that only God can fill. We will take a look deep inside our hearts this week to find out why we reach out to familiar things such as money, ...Read More

God Is…Saving Your Spot

We all want to know we belong, but what happens when guilt and our past get in the way? Join us as we take a look at the God who is not deterred by our shortcomings and past. Read More

Good Friday Service

God Is… Generous

July 27, 2013

God demonstrates amazing generosity toward us: in creating us and forming the world, and in the context of Christ on the cross. Likewise each of us is called to live a generous life; in fact, the early church turned the world upside down with its commitment to others centered generosity! Read More

Good Friday Service

God Is… Near

July 20, 2013

Every believer can see the heavenly Father with the soul’s eye the eyes of my heart. Pastor Scott will explore what this means as they discuss their personal, internal visions of God. Enjoy a conversational, team-teaching discussion and learn how you can be assured that God is always near. Read More

Good Friday Service

God Is…Infectious

July 13, 2013

We talk a lot these days about following Jesus. But what does that really look like in real life? In your family? Where you work? Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries will take us on a God-is-infectious adventure. Bring your sense of humor. Read More

Good Friday Service

God Is…Father

July 6, 2013

In an era that has been dubbed the fatherless generation, 3 will help us understand how our Heavenly Father, like an awesome Dad, pursues his children with a heart of love and compassion. Read More