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Graduating With Honors

Most people desire to be successful. But the path to success can be strewn with obstacles and dead ends. Are there any tried-and-true ways to win at life? Join us as we take a look at the success plan the Bible spells out. Graduate with honors from the school of life!

Passing the Obedience Test

June 1, 2008

Join us as we take a look at the success plan the Bible spells out. Graduate with honors from the school of life! Read More

Passing the Faith Test

May 25, 2008

Most people desire to be successful. But the path to success can be strewn with obstacles and dead ends. Are there any tried-and-true ways to win at life? Join us as we take a look at the success plan the Bible spells out. Graduate with honors from the school of ...Read More

Passing the Character Test

May 18, 2008

Graduating With Honors: How to Win In Life Most people desire to be successful. But the path to success can be strewn with obstacles and dead ends. Are there any tried-and-true ways to win at life? Join us as we take a look at the success plan the Bible spells ...Read More