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Home Run

Third Base: How To Win Results

Headed for Home: How to Keep Winning God’s Way!

October 17, 2015

As we wrap up this series we’re going to look at what it means to live our lives for the glory of God! Oh sure, it’s fun to get our name in lights. It’s great to be recognized and rewarded for what we’ve done. There’s ...Read More

Third Base: How To Win Results

Third Base: How to Win Results

October 10, 2015

Results matter! God put you on earth to do something, so do your best at what he put you here to do. The important thing is to remember that winning at life is not just about running to third base and back home! Do what you were made to do. ...Read More

Third Base: How To Win Results

Second Base: How to Win with Others

October 3, 2015

I once heard someone define success as “when those who know you best love and respect you the most.” Something about that definition spoke to my heart because we all know intuitively that nothing we do in life really matters if in the end, we sacrificed our most important relationships ...Read More

Third Base: How To Win Results

First Base: How to Win Within

September 26, 2015

Many people with great talent have failed to win in life because they thought they could skip first base, the development of character. The political, business, sports, entertainment and even church worlds, are littered with the sad sagas of those with impressive credentials and amazing gifts, who nevertheless short-circuited their ...Read More

Third Base: How To Win Results

Home Plate: How to Win with God

September 19, 2015

Jesus said that he had come that we might live a “full” or abundant life. Many people today are living empty lives, unfulfilled lives, and frustrated lives, but not full lives. So in this message we’re going to look at how we can live full lives, by connecting with ...Read More

Third Base: How To Win Results

Batter Up!

September 12, 2015

Just as every baseball diamond is comprised of 4 bases which a batter must touch if he wants to score, so in life there are four critical components we must incorporate into our lives if we want to win at life. What are those 4 components: 1) Home Plate: We’ve got to ...Read More