Messages & Media


I Just Want You To Be Happy #saidgodnever

All Roads Lead to Heaven #SaidGodNever

August 1, 2015

When we shine the light of Truth on our lives, our choices are measured against God’s own designs. For Him, integrity and character are the core of what is right. It’s OK as long as it aligns with God’s will.  Read More

I Just Want You To Be Happy #saidgodnever

It’s OK as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone #SaidGodNever

July 25, 2015

When we shine the light of Truth on our lives, our choices are measured against God’s own designs. For Him, integrity and character are the core of what is right. It’s OK as long as it aligns with God’s will. Read More

I Just Want You To Be Happy #saidgodnever

I will never give you more than you can handle #SaidGodNever

July 18, 2015

Really? That sounds good at first-but when you scratch a bit deeper it makes God out to be the Answer or Fix-it God when we get in a jam or a real difficult place-said God never. He cares too much for us to be that kind of God. He enters ...Read More

I Just Want You To Be Happy #saidgodnever

I just want you to be happy #SaidGodNever

July 11, 2015

Our society would have us believe that happiness is life’s ultimate goal. Happiness isn’t wrong in and of itself, especially when it is the result of a legacy of obedience to God’but when our commitment is to the pursuit of happiness alone, we can easily drift out ...Read More