Messages & Media

Stable Living in an Unstable World

Discovering Stable Joy

Discovering Stable Hope

December 14, 2013

No matter what is going on around us, we can be filled with hope and can know that every “no” we encounter along the way bring us one step closer to the “yes” God has for our lives. Nothing can shake the life that is filled with hope. Read More

Discovering Stable Joy

Discovering Stable Peace

December 7, 2013

Nothing makes our lives feel more unstable than the worry and fear that creeps in over foreboding circumstances. The good news from the stable is that God wants pour his peace into our lives so we can remain in a place of peace while the unrest swirls about us. Read More

Discovering Stable Joy

Discovering Stable Joy

November 30, 2013

The heavenly announcement on that first Christmas night was one of great joy for all people. Unstable circumstances in our world seek to rob us of our joy, but when we know the principles for keeping our lives anchored in Jesus, we’ll discover stable joy. Read More