Messages & Media

The Kingdom

We can enter into it, live according to its principles, conquer adversity with its power, and change the rest of the world with its resources. Best of all, everyone is welcome. Let's go!

Maintaining a Heart of Joy

October 29, 2008

Part 7 of this 10-part series. The next three midweek services on Nov. 12, 19 and 26 will focus on the Lord’s Prayer. Read More

Making a king-sized impact

October 26, 2008

We can enter into it, live according to its principles, conquer adversity with its power, and change the rest of the world with its resources. Best of all, everyone is welcome. Let’s go! Read More

Walking in Kingdom Authority

October 19, 2008

We can conquer adversity with the authority given to us! Read More

Developing a Kingdom Mind-Set

October 12, 2008

Where are you on this spiritual continuum? Exploring Christ ~ Growing in Christ ~ Close to Christ ~ Christ-Centered. Discover your kingdom mind-set. Read More

Displaying Kingdom Character

October 5, 2008

We can enter into it, live according to its principles, conquer adversity with its power, and change the rest of the world with its resources. Best of all, everyone is welcome. Let’s go! Read More

Entering the Kingdom

September 28, 2008

We can enter into it, live according to its principles, conquer adversity with its power, and change the rest of the world with its resources. Best of all, everyone is welcome. Let’s go! Read More