Messages & Media


Becoming A Person Of Resolve

Standing When the World Crumbles

January 30, 2016

God’s people are to stand firm when the world around is being shaken. Daniel told us our world would rumble in distress, but he also revealed that all whose names are recorded in the Book of Life will be saved! Will your name be found there? Read More

Becoming A Person Of Resolve

Praying for a Change

January 23, 2016

We can partner with God to bring change to our world. Our prayer can release God’s will in the middle of difficult situations! Read More

Becoming A Person Of Resolve

Sleeping When You’re Surrounded by Lions

January 17, 2016

Even when we follow God closely and devote our lives to His purposes, we can get discouraged. After all, our enemy is relentless and ruthless-but despite the attempts to cause fear, we can still stand strong! Read More

Becoming A Person Of Resolve

Developing a Fire-Proof Faith

January 9, 2016

In our culture today it can be convenient to compromise God’s absolutes in order to be fit in. In fact, refusing “correctness” and “tolerance” can cost us everything. But we are not the first to feel the pressure of the crowd. Read More

Becoming A Person Of Resolve

Becoming a Person of Resolve

January 3, 2016

You will never see an amazing move of God in your life without first resolving to obey and live for him no matter the cost to you or your surroundings. Learn how to develop resolve in the secret place of your heart. Read More