Messages & Media

What works...when life doesn't?

Lets be honest: life doesn't always work the way we want it to. But we can still triumph when God is with us.

When You Wonder If God Cares

September 19, 2010

Sometimes God seems silent, distant, and totally non-responsive to our prayers. Listen to this message to learn how to handle these times without allowing your heart to become offended at God. Read More

When Your Whole World Crumbles

September 12, 2010

Sujo John was on the 81st floor of World Trade Center Tower 1 when the first plane exploded just above his office. His pregnant wife Mary worked in Tower 2. The words he prayed that day changed his life. Listen to his amazing story of survival and purpose. Read More

When Your Job’s Got You Down

September 5, 2010

What do we do when we can’t stand our job and/or our boss and/or our co-workers? Is it okay to leave? Is it okay to give less than our best? We’ll explore how to give God an opportunity to transform our work and our workplace. Read More

When You Feel Depressed

August 29, 2010

Nothing empties us of life and vigor faster than discouragement and depression. We’ll look at the choices we need to make when feelings lead us into a place of despair. Read More

When You Need A Fresh Start

August 22, 2010

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