Messages & Media


How To Stand Like A Rock When You Are Tempted To Flow With The Current

How To Stand Like A Rock – When You Are Tempted To Flow With the Current

April 1, 2012

If God’s in charge, then shouldn’t things be different than they are? It’s easy to wonder “Why?” when things in our lives don’t make sense. Don’t worry–it’s not wrong to ask “Why?” And be encouraged because there are ways to deal with life’...Read More

How To Stand Like A Rock When You Are Tempted To Flow With The Current

When Expecting a Miracle Ends In a Mess!

March 18, 2012

If God’s in charge, then shouldn’t things be different than they are? It’s easy to wonder “Why?” when things in our lives don’t make sense. Don’t worry–it’s not wrong to ask “Why?” And be encouraged because there are ways to deal with life’...Read More

How To Stand Like A Rock When You Are Tempted To Flow With The Current

When Doing the Right Thing Turns Out the Wrong Way

March 11, 2012

If God’s in charge, then shouldn’t things be different than they are? It’s easy to wonder “Why?” when things in our lives don’t make sense. Don’t worry–it’s not wrong to ask “Why?” And be encouraged because there are ways to deal with life’...Read More