Day 21
Romans 15:13Are you carrying any remnants of clutter that are blocking the overflow of hope in your life? Is anything preventing you from letting hope pour out of you and into the lives of others? Write down what God shows you and ask him to clear the clutter so you can proclaim "Hope Lives here."
Speaker Northwoods.Church
Published On January 24, 2021
Also from Hope Lives Here Devotional

Day 20
January 23, 2021
1 Peter 3:15 For whom can you hold out hope? Is there someone that needs to live with the same hope that lives in you? Ask God to remind you of specific people in your life and show you how to pray for them. Write out your thoughts. Read More

Day 19
January 22, 2021
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Colossians 1:23Are you doing your part to grow in hope and your ability to hold fast to your faith? Write down your responses and ask God to help you become solid and unmovable in your faith. Read More

Day 16
January 19, 2021
1 Thessalonians 5:8, Ephesians 6:13-17Where in your life do you need to set aside lies and put on the helmet of hope? Write down what is revealed to you, and then thank God for his promise to help you have hope. Read More

Day 15
January 18, 2021
2 Timothy 1:6, Romans 15:13, Psalm 46:4-5, John 7:38What practices would help you stir up increasing hope from the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Write down your ideas, and then invite the Holy Spirit into your plans. Read More

Day 12
January 15, 2021
Isaiah 40:29-31In what areas of your life do you need to wait hopefully on God? Write down your thoughts. Describe how you plan to commit to a daily, hope-building time with him. Read More

Day 11
January 14, 2021
Philippians 4:8, Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2Ask God to show you where your thought life has focused on negative things. Write down those things, and then ask him to help you think on positive things and renew your mind. Read More

Day 8
January 11, 2021
2 Corinthians 1:10, Psalm 42-43, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 49:23, Hosea 2:15What discouraging messages have you been listening to? Replace that negative voice with your own new self-talk based on God’s promises. Write down your praises of rekindled hope. Read More

Day 7
January 10, 2021
Psalm 33:18, 34:1, 52:9Are there situations in your life about which you need more hope? Write them down and then begin praising God for the breakthrough that is to come. Read More

Day 4
January 7, 2021
Romans 15:4Use the S.O.A.P. method to study this Scripture. Write down your observations and applications, and then form them into a prayer to the God of hope. Read More

Day 3
January 6, 2021
Romans 15:13 Ask God to reveal to you any lies you have believed about him or about your circumstances. Write them down now, and then renounce them in Jesus’ name, asking him to fill you instead with hope and truth. Read More