Messages & Media



✨ March Woven LIVE! ✨ Suzanne Chave is the living definition of “small but mighty”… although she may be small in stature, her faith is MIGHTY! The Lord has pressed on her heart a message about WOMEN. When texting back and forth about what that might cover, she replied: “I feel like ...Read More
One Yes At A Time

One Yes At A Time

God wants to partner with each of us to make a difference, but that choice is up to you! Making a difference always starts with a willingness to join him! In this message, Pastor Jon will share how one small yes can set forth a ripple of change. Read More
To Serve Others

To Serve Others

God has given each of us gifts to build up others, such as wisdom, understanding, and discernment, to name a few. What are you doing with your gifts? In this message, Pastor Jon will teach you how to discover and deploy your gifts in service of others. Read More
To Gather With Others

To Gather With Others

We can often forget that God is able to meet our needs in two ways: through a relationship with him and through relationship and community with others. This week, join Pastor Nathan to unpack the importance of God-honoring relationships. Read More