Messages & Media

Letter To The Faithful Church

Letter to the Faithful Church

“Dear church, I know you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and not denied my name.” God has much power even when we have little strength—that’s good news! Let’s unpack this letter and learn how to depend on God’s strength to endure to ...Read More
Letter To The Dead Church

Letter to the Dead Church

“Dear church, you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.” The most dangerous part of falling asleep is when we don’t recognize we’re sleeping. Join us as we open this letter and discover how to awaken from a spiritual slumber. Read More
Letter To The Tolerant Church

Letter to the Tolerant Church

“Dear church, you tolerate that woman, Jezebel.”Tolerance has become a buzzword. We’re told to be tolerant of all. But Jesus teaches us there are some things we should not tolerate. Let’s come together and learn how we can safeguard ourselves from becoming tolerant of sin. Read More