Messages & Media

Becoming A Man After God's Own Heart

Becoming a Man After God’s Own Heart

Scripture often indicates that God is looking for a man he can use to accomplish his purposes. What is he looking for? Someone who can lift a lot of weight? Someone who can debate like a pro? Join us for this message as we celebrate Fathers and discover how to ...Read More
Standing In The Gap For God

Standing in the Gap for God

In the Old Testament, God was looking for someone who would “stand in the gap” but found no one. But what does it mean to stand in the gap? And how do we stand strong when many around us seem to be falling away? Gather with us as Pastor Jon ...Read More
Living With A "go" Mentality

Living with a “Go” Mentality

The Lord once asked, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And today, He is still searching for those who will go where He asks. Join us as Founding Pastor Cal Rychener unpacks how we can answer the call and live with a “go” mentality.Key Scripture: ...Read More