Messages & Media

The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet

It's human nature to seek after greatness. We emphasize our admiration with terms like The G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time), and we debate endlessly about who is the greatest at their trade. It's not wrong to pursue greatness, though Jesus reminds us that true greatness is born out of humility—a quality frequently in the standards set by common culture. At the last supper with his disciples, Jesus demonstrated this principle using a simple basin of water and a towel. So, let's see why we are called to serve and how we can echo Jesus' example.

Speaker Andrew Wingo
Published On August 1, 2021

Also from A Summer on the Water

The Woman At The Well

The Woman at the Well

July 25, 2021

We’re living in a polarized culture that makes it tough to set aside differences to befriend people far from Jesus. He calls us to seek after the lost, though, even if the lost look different, believe differently, or act differently. In fact, Jesus once sat down by a well ...Read More

The Healing At The Pool

The Healing at the Pool

July 18, 2021

Many Christians today are spiritual POW’s—trapped in debilitating addictions, habitual sins, and unhealthy habits—and don’t know how to break free. Is it even possible to break free? Jesus asked an important question before healing one man. “Do you want to get well?” he asked. When we ...Read More

The Miraculous At The Lake

The Miraculous at the Lake

July 11, 2021

Do you wonder if miracles still happen? Even though we’ve read about miracles occurring in the Bible, sometimes it’s easy to relegate them to biblical history and overlook the relevance for our lives today. During one amazing moment on the water, Jesus and Peter teach us that God’...Read More

The Calming Of The Storm

The Calming of the Storm

July 4, 2021

No one is exempt from the storms of life. When the storms come, how do we break through without breaking down? Let’s turn to a time when Jesus and the disciples encountered a raging storm and discover like they did that peace comes by clinging to God’s Word, ...Read More

The Calling Of The First Disciples

The Calling of the First Disciples

June 27, 2021

“Follow Me!” Hearing this now, many of us immediately think of social media—where all “following” takes is a one-time click. Is following Jesus the same? Is it just a prayer and an occasional few dollars in the offering, or is there more to it? Let’s journey along the ...Read More

The Baptism Of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

June 20, 2021

Dads everywhere ask similar questions: How can I be the best father for my children? What do my kids most need from me? To encourage and equip fathers, let’s turn to a moment with Jesus and John the Baptist in the water. It’s in that moment we hear ...Read More