Be the hope!
God releases his hope in our lives so that we can be agents of hope in the lives of others. Join us as we learn how to "be the hope" and then go out to share that hope through our special grocery weekend. Let's fill the trucks with food and offer hope to those who need God's hope!
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On August 29, 2015
Also from Choose Hope

Hope floats!
August 22, 2015
It’s baptism weekend and you can almost feel a sense of hope in the air! Well, this weekend there is also going to be a lot of “hope on the water.” Join us for this exciting weekend as Pastor Cal helps us understand four facets of hope that Jesus ...Read More

Get your hopes up!
August 15, 2015
Hope has been called the oxygen of the soul and just as we can’t live without oxygen, so we can’t live without hope! The good news is that even in our seemingly hopeless situations, we can choose Hope! Join us as Pastor Cal gives us four choices that ...Read More