How can you take the Bible literally?
Both literal and figurative language can describe reality, and it is not inconsistent to read some texts as literal and others as metaphorical, particularly when the Bible itself tells us which is which.
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On March 28, 2021
Also from FAQ

Hasn’t science disproved the Bible?
March 21, 2021
Scientific method can neither prove nor disprove theism, but we can explore evidence that demands to the possibility, even probability, of God. Read More

How could a loving God send people to Hell?
March 14, 2021
God’s love and judgement cannot be separated, nor can we absolve people of their moral responsibilities without erasing their ability to love. Read More

How can a loving God allow so much suffering?
March 7, 2021
If God is all-powerful yet allows suffering, then he must not be good. Or, if he is good yet suffering exists, then he must not be all-powerful—or else he’d stop it. Read More

How can you say there’s only one true faith?
February 28, 2021
This seems to be the greatest offense Christianity commits. Aren’t all religions subjective and so equally true? Not if you know history and logic. Read More