Fast Forward into Greater Freedom
Rather than think about moving more swiftly or pressing harder toward our goals, we're going to start 2011 with prayer and fasting. We'll truly "fast forward" as we set our hearts on seeking what God has for us.
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On January 16, 2011
Also from Fast Forward

Fast Forward Into a Deeper Faith
February 1, 2011
Whenever you feel your faith has lost its edge, humble yourself through fasting. Often you’ll sense that you’ve grown closer to God and sense that you’ve heard from him when you quiet your soul and your appetites. Read More

Fast Forward into a Fantastic Future
January 23, 2011
God has purposes, dreams, and assignments he wants to fulfill in our lives. Fasting can sensitize us to the leadings and direction of the Spirit in a way that we would not otherwise be still enough to detect. Read More

Fast Forward into God’s Favor
January 9, 2011
Rather than think about moving more swiftly or pressing harder toward our goals, we’re going to start 2011 with prayer and fasting. We’ll truly fast forward as we set our hearts on seeking what God has for us. Read More