Messages & Media

The Blame Game

We will never have better relationships with others until we stop blaming others and take responsibility for our own failures and weaknesses.

Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On February 19, 2017

Also from Games People Play

The Shame Game

Game Over

March 5, 2017

Relational health requires not only a halt to hurtful behaviors but also faithful practice of wholesome behaviors. Read More

The Shame Game

The Maim Game

February 26, 2017

Nothing does more damage in our relationships than a loose tongue, whereby we maim others through gossip, slander, negative judgments, and harsh words. Read More

The Shame Game

The Shame Game

February 12, 2017

The unhealed wounds of our hearts often drive us to live in shame and secrecy, afraid of what might happen if people knew the truth—and there is no place where shame holds us tighter than in the area of sexual sins and secrets. Read More