When You Feel Like Fear Is Winning
We all face fear. It’s only a problem when it becomes a crippling emotion that blinds us to the reality of God’s truth! David knew many fears, but in Psalm 27 he also showed us the path to walking through it.
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On July 2, 2017
Also from How To Deal With How You Feel

When You Feel Lonely
July 30, 2017
“Nobody else understands, nobody else cares, nobody else seems to be in it with me.” We’ve all been there: we’re not just alone, we’re lonely. When friends misunderstand us, forsake us and walk away from us for whatever reason, our hearts break. David was familiar with this ...Read More

When You Feel Like Life’s Not Fair
July 23, 2017
It’s not uncommon to wonder why the good life appears to surround people who could care less about God. And at the same time, those who do their best to follow God get nothing but trouble and hardship. Psalm 73 gives us good guidance for those times when we’re ...Read More

When You Feel Like You’ve Blown It
July 16, 2017
David knew what it was to deal with guilt in the aftermath of failure. Psalm 51 encourages us and shows us—even when we’ve blown it big time—that we can run to the God who will restore and heal us! Read More

When You Feel Depressed
July 9, 2017
Everyone feels depressed once in a while, and some experience it more deeply than others. We can find our minds and souls bombarded by negative messages that feed discouragement and depression. In Psalm 42, however, we can find keys to helping ourselves return to joy. Read More

When You Feel Like Your Prayers Don’t Matter
June 24, 2017
We’ve all known the frustration of feeling like our prayers are going no higher than the ceiling, of feeling angry and disappointed because no matter how much we call out to him, it seems like he’s not listening. It can be infuriating. We call out, “God, where are ...Read More