Jehovah Rapha: The LORD Who Heals
Some today believe that God no longer heals, but the Bible shows otherwise. God heals—then, now, and forever! He can make well whatever may be broken in our bodies, our lives, or our world. Let's explore the story of Moses and the Israelites meeting God as their healer and uncover all that it means for us today. KEY SCRIPTURE: EXODUS 15:22-27
Speaker Nathan Rychener
Published On July 3, 2022
Also from Se7en

Jehovah Shammah: The LORD Is There
August 7, 2022
The Book of Ezekiel closes with a vision of a city that will be named “The Lord is There.” This name bears witness to the presence and power of the God who will dwell there. While this name looks forward to the future, it also brings hope for today. In ...Read More

Jehovah Tsidkenu: The LORD Our Righteousness
July 31, 2022
If we lose our appetite for physical food, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong. In similar fashion, when we no longer hunger for the righteousness of God, it can be an indicator that we are spiritually unwell. In Christ, we have positional righteousness, but we are also ...Read More

Jehovah Rohi: The LORD My Shepherd
July 24, 2022
It’s easy for us to trust God to take us to heaven, but sometimes we are less certain that he has our back on earth. We trust him as our savior but not as our shepherd. Scripture shows us that God is our shepherd, and we can trust him ...Read More

Jehovah Shalom: The LORD Is Peace
July 17, 2022
God has a name that speaks directly to our need for calm, security, and stability. The Lord is peace! It’s easy to assume that peace means the absence of problems, but true peace is marked by the presence of God amid our problems. Let’s examine the story of ...Read More

Jehovah Nissi: The LORD My Banner
July 10, 2022
When a sports team wins a championship, one of the first things they do is hang a victory banner. Banners denote victory, and we can know God as our banner—through him we overcome what the enemy sets against us! Let’s look to the story of the Israelites battle ...Read More

Jehovah Jireh: The LORD Our Provider
June 26, 2022
God has already provided everything we need in Jesus. He longs for us to experience him as our provider in the day-to-day of our lives—so we must understand that his provision is often the outcome of our obedience. Let’s unpack the story of Abraham and Isaac to discover ...Read More