Diffuse Sexual Temptation
More than any other way, sexual brokenness makes messy lives. Refusing to submit to God's guidelines for healthy sexual relationships is a fast lane moving away from the life God intends for us. Let's clarify God's standard for holy sexuality and consider how to pursue healthy sexuality in our lives.
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On November 21, 2021
Also from Ten Keys

Learn to Want What You Have
December 12, 2021
How can we want what we have when we’re busy wanting what everyone else has? Fulfillment in life is interwoven with learning to be content with what we have. So, let’s learn together how to cultivate contented hearts. Read More

Tell the Whole Truth…and Nothing But
December 5, 2021
Life becomes a disaster when we can no longer trust the people around us to tell us the truth—be they elected officials, medical personnel, religious leaders, or personal friends. Truth is foundational to our integrity and character, to relational trust, and to societal justice. Without truth, we lose the ...Read More

Respect the Possessions of Others
November 28, 2021
Outright stealing from one another: we know that’s wrong. Are there more subtle moves, though, that go less-noticed yet amount to the same sin? Fudging the taxes, sharing the Netflix password, sneaking a free fountain soda: small or significant, it’s still stealing. How do we protect ourselves from ...Read More

Practice Positive Conflict Resolution
November 14, 2021
Jesus teaches us that murder runs far deeper than the prohibition against physical homicide. We can carry around a heart of ill will towards others that can be just as lethal. Let’s discover how to deal with our offended hearts in ways that lead to health. Read More

Make Peace with Your Parents
October 31, 2021
Generally, our lives are only as healthy as our relationships—especially relationships with our family, beginning with our parents. We will not know God’s blessings if we refuse to honor our fathers and mothers. That does not mean approving of their wrong actions or choices, endorsing their sin, ignoring ...Read More

Make Time for Sabbath
October 24, 2021
God created us to be more than work machines. He knows that—for us to retain our vitality in life—we must observe rhythms of renewal. He built those rhythms right into the fabric of our weekly routines. Let’s pause to ponder why we are to set aside a ...Read More

Take God Seriously
October 17, 2021
Our love and respect for anyone is revealed by how we use their name or speak about them when they are not in our presence. The same is true in our relationship with God: if we say we love him and then trash his name, our words reveal the truth. ...Read More

Watch What You Worship
October 10, 2021
Idols aren’t necessarily material things made by human hands. Other things can become idols in our lives when give more of ourselves to them than to God! Our desires, interests, work, and even ministry can become idols of the heart. Let’s learn the key to taking down idols! Read More

Put First Things First
October 3, 2021
To discover the meaning, purpose, and fulfillment that God wants us to know in life, we first have to be rightly related to him—the one who designed life and who knows what makes it work. Let’s learn how to develop a “first things first” lifestyle! Read More