Running to God
We know we shouldn't run from God, but what happens if we have? Often, we feel remorse and regret, but we're unsure about what we will experience if we turn back to God. Jonah's story shows us, not only why we should run to God, but also how to find our way back.
Speaker Jon Rychener
Published On July 16, 2023
Also from The Book of Jonah
Running ahead of God
July 30, 2023
The Bible says that “God is love,” but what is our response when we discover that God loves those we find most difficult? Do we respond with joy or anger? Jonah certainly experienced anger. But through his story, we learn how to respond when God doesn’t act according to ...Read More
Running with God
July 23, 2023
There’s no greater blessing than keeping in step with God. Not only will we experience his blessing as we run with him, but God will often use our obedience to impact those around us. Come on out, as we discover how God responds to our obedience. Read More
Running from God
July 9, 2023
Have you ever felt God nudging you to do something that you didn’t want to do? What was your response? Jonah’s response was to run! Come gather with us as we discover why running from God is never the answer. Read More