Messages & Media

Walking Without Stumbling

Amidst all the deception and distortion of truth, how can Christians remain faithful to the Lord? How do we resist being swept away by ungodly influence? Join us as we explore how to stay upright in a fallen world.

Speaker Jon Rychener
Published On August 25, 2024

Also from The Book of Jude - Defending the Faith

Recognizing False Teachers

Recognizing False Teachers

August 18, 2024

Identifying those who seek to distort the truth can be difficult, as they often blend half-truths with redefined biblical concepts to deceive many. Is there a foolproof method to identify false teachers? Join us as guest speaker, Pastor Vincent Estill, helps us learn how to recognize these deceptive influences. Read More

Knowing The Truth

Knowing the Truth

August 11, 2024

Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, people throughout history have sought to redefine the core teachings of Christianity. Like those before us, we must remain resolute in standing for the truth. Do we know what the truth is? Let’s explore this together. Read More