Getting to Know Your Father
Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed be your name." When we understand that God's different names reveal His heart to us, we can confidently ask for what He wants to give us.
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On March 15, 2014
Also from The Game Changer

Removing Personal Barriers
April 5, 2014
Nothing can hinder prayer like harboring unconfessed sin or holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness. When we confront and dal with these personal barriers, we will remove the barriers that block the flow of God’s game changing power and grace. Read More

Asking Boldly for What You Need
March 29, 2014
Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” When you know your Father’s heart, you know you can come to Him anytime day or night and find grace and mercy to help you, no matter what your need. Read More

Standing in Kingdom Authority
March 22, 2014
Our Heavenly Father commissioned us to move in and pray with authority as we confront situations on earth that need His change. When we are aligned with His heart and mind, what we speak will come to pass because our petition is backed by the Throne! Read More

Checking Your Alignment
March 8, 2014
The purpose of prayer is to bring us into alignment with the heart and mind of our Heavenly Father. It’s from that alignment we are able to function as his agents on earth – bringing his love, power and grace to bear on our earthly situations and circumstances. Read More