Waiting for the Right Plan
Times of transition, particularly for high school and college graduates, can lead to a lot of questions and stress—until we learn that God is serious about directing our steps, if we’re serious about following His lead. Let’s focus on taking positive steps for our future even while we’re waiting for it to unfold!
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On May 21, 2017
Also from The Waiting Room

Waiting for God’s Provision
June 11, 2017
We all have needs—whether emotional, physical, vocational, financial, or something else. We take our needs to God, but our faith can really be put to the test when we’re forced to wait on His answer. There is much to practice, nevertheless, as we make good use of our ...Read More

Waiting for the Right Path
June 4, 2017
When it comes to important decisions, how do we know the right choices? Take a new job? Buy that new car? Change schools? It would be much easier if God would just drop a sign down and tell us what to do. He does, however, make it possible for us ...Read More

Waiting for the Right Person
May 28, 2017
The second most important decision any of us ever make in life—after whether or not to follow Christ—is our choice of whom to marry. Yet often, too little thought goes into this decision, particularly once emotions get involved. Nonetheless, the Bible has much wisdom to guide us as ...Read More