Letting Go of Fear
Nothing is more common or more crippling in our lives than fear. But we can overcome fear through faith in the One who leads through the valley of the shadow of death! Become fearless in the face of great threats and challenges!
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On May 24, 2014
Also from Traveling Light

Letting Go of Doubt
May 31, 2014
It’s not wrong to have honest doubts. But rather than run our lives and cripple our faith, doubts can lead us to seek answers from the One! He wants us to experience His goodness and mercy and to be certain that we will dwell with Him forever! Read More

Letting Go of Guilt
May 17, 2014
We can overcome the baggage of our guilt and instead forge new paths of righteousness in our lives. Let’s learn to follow the guidance or our Good Shepherd who leads us in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake! Read More

Letting Go of Worry
May 10, 2014
Oh, how the enemy loves to steal our joy and confidence by convincing us that we’re doing a bad job and are terrible parents! But what if we learned to listen to the voice of the Shepherd instead? Frazzled parents-especially moms on this Mother’s Day Weekend-learn how to ...Read More

Letting Go of Discontent
May 3, 2014
Much of our discontentment comes from wanting the wrong things. But when we truly know the Lord as our Shepherd, the one who cares for us and leads us and provides for us, we can know what it is to say, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” Read More