Get Started
It's been said the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step - and the same true in our journey of faith. We must overcome the excuses that keep us distracted from following Christ and get started in our journey with Him!
Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On October 5, 2013
Also from Uncomplicated

Get Going
November 16, 2013
Special guest speaker Bob Goff will help us understand what it means to “get going.” Jesus assigned us to “Go” into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Rather than waiting around for a special assignment or complete instructions from God, Bob will encourage us to “just do ...Read More

Get Filled
November 9, 2013
God has made provision, through the filling and anointing of the Holy Spirit, for every follower of Jesus to lead a supernatural life and to do things that they could never do in their own strength. We need to remain “under the tap” so our lives and ministry might bear ...Read More

Get Trained
November 2, 2013
Every follower of Jesus has been given spiritual gifts to best carry out God’s work and purposes through the Church. We need to discover, develop, and deploy our gifts so that we can be both fruitful and fulfilled in what God has called us to do. Read More

Get Connected
October 26, 2013
There’s a reason why, when we became followers of Jesus, God places us into a body of believers called His Church. God did this because He knows we need each other if we’re going to become all God intended us to be. Read More

Get Grounded
October 19, 2013
Spiritual maturity includes two primary actions on our part: getting rooted in our love for one another and getting rooted in God’s Word. It’s only then that we are able to stand strong and discern the truth. Read More