Why Church Planting Matters
Northwoods' brand tagline "Hope Lives Here" represents the thousands of stories told by people whose lives have been impacted by an encounter with Jesus through the ministries of our church. Our logo symbol reminds us that God places local churches in specific locations as centers of hope and healing. Wherever there is a local church—anchored in the Word and empowered by the Spirit—we can see broken-world people find freedom through Christ Jesus! In Matthew 9:38, Jesus showed his great compassion for the lost and hurting, seeing many without hope, and he told his followers to ask God to send people who could help, people whose work would deliver hope to the crowds in great need. Today, we continue that same work. Northwoods intends that lost and hurting people will find freedom from their pain and problems, so that each can proclaim, wherever they are, hope lives here! We are taking this good news to local settings not only in the far reaches of the globe but also in communities much closer to home.
Speaker Jon Rychener
Published On October 2, 2022