Messages & Media

Walking Tall Talking Tall

We cannot walk tall on the outside if we talk small on the inside. We're held back by the words we feed ourselves--messages about our own selves and even about God. But we can overcome insecurity and step into God-confidence by aligning our inner messages and external confessions with what God says.

Speaker Cal Rychener
Published On October 8, 2017

Also from Walking Tall

The High Cost Of Low Self Esteem

Living in God-Confidence

October 15, 2017

Walking in God-confidence is rooted in humility that depends on God each day. It’s knowing that, by myself, I can do nothing, but as I surrender to Him, He can do all things through me! Read More

The High Cost Of Low Self Esteem

Throwing Off Passivity

October 1, 2017

The word “confidence”’ literally means “with faith.” In pursuing the inheritance God wants to give us now, faith must be active not passive. If we’re going to walk tall and live with godly confidence, we cannot succumb to the allure of passivity. Read More

The High Cost Of Low Self Esteem

Developing a Winning Mindset

September 24, 2017

We will never be able to walk tall as long as we think small. We must renew our minds in accordance with the promises of God, believing in His possibilities rather than our limitations. Read More

The High Cost Of Low Self Esteem

Seeing Yourself through God’s eyes

September 17, 2017

As long as we’re subconsciously programmed by the lies we’ve believed about ourselves, we will live out of an “inferiority” mindset. But when our minds and hearts get reprogrammed with the truth God says about us, we will see ourselves through His eyes as the mighty warriors He ...Read More

The High Cost Of Low Self Esteem

The High Cost of Low Self-Esteem

September 10, 2017

There can be an extremely high price to pay if we live in the grip of low self-esteem. The Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years because they refused to believe God’s promise—totally missing out on what could have been theirs. Read More