Winning Over Your Circumstances
Its been said that quality of life is not so much what happens to you but rather how you respond. We can always choose how to respond, no matter what, because God empowers us to rise above our circumstances.
Speaker Tommy Briggs
Published On November 6, 2016
Also from Winning At Life

Winning in Your Relationships
October 30, 2016
When our relationships are good, our lives feel good, and when theyre bad, everything tends to feel lousy. Nonetheless, God designed us to live in relationship, and the Bible is full of wisdom to help us build winning relationships. Read More

Winning with Your Words
October 23, 2016
With our words we can build people up or tear them down. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our restless tongues can be trained to speak life instead of death. Read More

Winning with Your Works
October 16, 2016
In Gods dictionary, faith has never been defined as merely believing the right things about Godeven the demons believe and tremble. Rather, faith is belief in action, and the world ought to be able to tell we are people of faith by the actions that flow from our lives. Read More

Winning Over Your Temptations
October 9, 2016
How do we stay true to our deepest convictions when diversionary pleasure is at every turn? Jesus gives us powerful tools to stay on the path and avoid the discouraging detours. Read More